Winter 2020 Research Positions

UPDATE: The available positions have been filled for Winter 2020. We will consider new applicants for Fall 2020, and will reach out to students in August 2020.

The Michigan Information Interaction Lab is looking to fill up to three new positions for master’s students from across U-M (please apply by filling in this form). Ideally, applicants have taken some of Professor Nebeling‘s AR/VR courses, SI 559 and/or SI 659, and significant experience with methods and tools in the desired areas:

  • AR/VR web developer: Help develop a set of web-based AR/VR tools that were previously published and that are now becoming part of a larger AR/VR online creation platform. The platform will be used to support a new AR/VR MOOC specialization on Coursera currently being designed and produced by Professor Nebeling with the Center for Academic Innovation. Significant experience with JavaScript is required. Experience with A-Frame and Unity is a plus.
  • AR/VR Unity developer: Help create a set of novel AR/VR experiences that make use of a variety of input and output technologies. Significant experience with Unity is required. Experience with 3D animation and modeling tools is a plus.
  • AR/VR designer: Help create interactive 3D content for a variety of new AR/VR experiences that will be created next year as part of Professor Nebeling’s research and his efforts to support the U-M wide XR Initiative. Significant experience with 3D modeling and animation tools required. Experience with UX practices and AR/VR design methods is a plus.

Positions are paid research assistant positions — while there is an expected workload of 6-10 hours per week, there will not always be an equal amount of work every week, and students will contribute to multiple projects based on their skills, rather than being assigned to one semester-long project. There will be a short interview process, and possibly a short trial period, to make sure that candidates are a fit and have the required skills. Positions may also be taken up for credit in the form of independent study.

While we are an ambitious research group, we are also a fun team of students and faculty interested in experimenting with up-and-coming AR/VR technologies. Feel free to reach out to current or previous students working in the lab to learn about their experience.

IMPORTANT: Please apply by filling in this form. Don’t just send emails to express your interest; I will not be able to respond to them. We will review the applications entered via the form and get back to you after initial review in early January 2020. Thank you for your interest!