Winter 2024 Research Positions

Note: All positions have been filled. We will look for additional students to join us in Fall 2024.

The Michigan Information Interaction Lab is looking to fill up to three new positions for master’s students from across U-M (please apply by filling in this form). Ideally, applicants have taken some of Professor Nebeling‘s AR/VR courses, SI 559 and/or SI 659, and/or have significant experience in methods and tools at the intersection of HCI, AR/VR, and Generative AI. For 2024, our main research directions include:

  • Collaboration with multiple users / asymmetric interaction
  • Collaboration with AI, defining the role and use of generative AI
  • Leveraging unique aspects of XR
  • Personalization / customization of XR interfaces
  • Simulation of future XR experiences
  • Usable privacy & security around XR applications
  • Responsible design for XR


Our strongest needs are in:
  • building interactive AR/VR applications,
  • 3D modeling and animation,
  • and applied ML with a focus on generative AI.

Historically, we have primarily worked with UMSI students, but we would be eager to work with interested students in CSE, STAMPS, or Taubman as well.

We offer paid research assistant positions as well as independent studies and master theses in these areas. 
  • For the paid positions, rather than assigning students to a particular research project, we plan to recruit 2-3 students into specific roles depending on their interest and expertise. For example, if you are a strong HCI systems builder or experienced in 3D modeling, you will likely be asked to work on those tasks for a range of ongoing projects in the lab. However, positions are on-demand; we may not always have 10 hours of work every week.
  • For independent studies and master theses, you are expected to work towards a project developed in consultation with one of the research members in the lab. Your work will involve a range of tasks, from literature surveys, to experiment design and system prototyping, to running user studies. These positions are good for someone who wants to know if a research career could be interesting, potentially even a PhD.

While we are an ambitious research group, we are also a fun team of students and faculty interested in experimenting with up-and-coming AR/VR technologies, with a current focus on exploring and defining the role and use of generative AI. Feel free to reach out to current or previous students working in the lab to learn about their experience.

IMPORTANT: Please apply by filling in this form. We will review the applications entered via the form and get back to you after initial review in December/early January 2024. Thank you for your interest!