AR/VR Courses starting in the Fall

We’re happy to announce that a new set of courses focused on AR/VR will be offered starting in the Fall 2018 semester. These and other courses we are teaching can also be found under Teaching.

First, there is an Intro to AR/VR (SI 559). We are currently working hard to make it accessible to the entire community at Michigan. While there is a number of students on the wait list, we will have to start small in the Fall semester. Based on this experience, our plan is to scale the course to larger student groups and perhaps multiple sections.

Second, there will be an Advanced AR/VR course. This course is targeted at more technical students interested in diving deeper into AR/VR interface development and content creation. Importantly, the Intro course is not a prerequisite for this course, though it is recommended. Prerequisites are SI 506 and SI 539, or similar courses, to make sure that students have a background in programming. Ideally, students would have experience with Three.js/A-Frame/JavaScript or Unity/C#.

Both courses will be taught by Professor Nebeling and will be supported by members of the Information Interaction Lab. We are working hard with various partners from industry, ranging from prototyping tool developers, to device manufacturers, to content providers. It will be a very exciting experience for us, and we hope you will be able to join us on this journey!